Kengo Nakajima, Ph.D.
My mission is to be a bridge between HPC and ... I like it.
2-11-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8658, JAPAN
TEL: +81-3-5841-2719, FAX:+81-3-5841-2708
"GAPgeofem" (parallel FEM code for transient heat transfer
with gap radiation, based on GeoFEM) has been adopted as one of 13 benchmarks
of "SPEC MPI2007".
[Press Release]
Research Interests
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
- Unstructured Grids
- Compressible/Incompressible Flow
- Fluid/Structure Interaction
- Finite Element Methods (FEM)
- Fluid Mechanics
- Solid Mechanics
- Heat Transfer
- Groundwater Flow/Transportation
- Parallel Computing
- Parallel Programming Model: OpenMP+MPI Hybrid
- Parallel Iterative Solvers
- Parallel Finite Element Method
- HPC Middleware (HPC-MW)
- Preconditioned Iterative Linear Solvers
- Ill-conditioned Problems
- Geometric/Algebrainc Multigrid
- Parallel Preconditioners
- Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR)
- h-type Grid Adaptation
- Dynamic Load Balancing
- Solid Earth Simulation
- GeoFEM[link]
- HPC-MW/Frontier Simulation Software for Industrial Science (FSIS)[link]
- Nakajima, K. (2007), Parallel Preconditioning Methods with Selective Fill-Ins and Selective Overlapping for Ill-Conditioned Problems in Finite-Element Methods, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4489, 1085-1092 (in press).
- Nakajima, K. (2007), The Impact of Parallel Programming Models on the Linear Algebra Performance for Finite Element Simulations, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4395, 334-348.
- Nakajima, K., Nagashima, T., Ezure, S., Ichimura, T., and Okuda, H. (2007), Large-Scale Coupling Simulations through M~N Parallel Data Redistribution, IPSJ SIG Technical Reports, 2006-HPC-109, 215-220D
- Nakajima, K. and Chen, L. Parallel visualization method for large-scale distributed data sets in scientific simulations with background voxelfs (in Japanese), IPSJ SIG Technical Reports, 2006-HPC-107, 91-96.
- Nakajima, K. The Impact of Parallel Programming Models on the Linear Algebra Performance for Finite Element Simulations, Proceedings of VECPAR 2006 (7th International Meeting High Performance Computing for Computational Science) .
- Nakajima, K. "Single node performance of Hitachi SR11000/J1 and IBM p5-595 using GeoFEM benchmarks"(in Japanese), IPSJ SIG Technical Reports, 2005-HPC-105, 61-66.
- Nakajima, K. "Parallel Multilevel Method for Heterogeneous Field"(in Japanese), IPSJ Proceedings of HPCS2006C95-102.
- Nakajima, K. "Parallel programming models for finite-element method using preconditioned iterative solvers with multicolor ordering on various types of SMP cluster", IEEE Proceedings of HPC Asia 2005, 83-90.
- Nakajima, K. "Parallel iterative solvers for finite-element methods using an OpenMP/MPI hybrid programming model on the Earth Simulator", Parallel Computing, 31, 1048-1065.
- Nakajima, K. "Three-Level Hybrid vs. Flat MPI on the Earth Simulator: Parallel Iterative Solvers for Finite-Element Method", Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol.54, pp.237-255.
- Nakajima, K., "Performance of large-scale finite-element applications in earth science on BlueGene/L prototype system using parallel iterative solvers of GeoFEM", IPSJ Proceedings of HPCS2005, pp.17-24, Tokyo, Japan, 2005.
- Nakajima, K., "Preconditioned Iterative Linear Solvers for Unstructured Grids on the Earth Simulator", IEEE Proceedings of HPC Asia 2004, pp.150-169, Ohmiya, Japan, 2004.[paper]
- Chen, L., Fujishiro, I. and Nakajima, K.. "Parallel Visualization of Large-Scale Unstructured Geophysical Data for the Earth Simulator", Pure and Applied Geophysics, Vol.161 (2004), pp.2245-2263.
- Nakajima, K. and H.Okuda. "Parallel Iterative Solvers for Simulations of Fault Zone Contact using Selective Blocking Reordering", Journal on Numerical Linear Algebra, Vol.11 (2004), pp.831-852.
- Wang, K., Kim, S-B., Zhang, J., Nakajima, K. and Okuda, H. "Global and localized parallel preconditioning techniques for large scale solid Earth simulations", Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol 19/4 pp.443 - 456, 2003
- Nakajima, K.: "OpenMP/MPI Hybrid vs. Flat MPI on the Earth Simulator: Parallel Iterative Solvers for Finite Element Method", Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2858, pp.486-499, Springer, 2003.
- Okuda, H., Nakajima, K., Iizuka, M., Chen, L. and Nakamura, H. (2003), "Parallel Finite Element Analysis Platform for the Earth Simulator: GeoFEM", Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2659, 773-780, Springer-Verlag.
- Nakajima, K., " Parallel Iterative Solvers of GeoFEM with Selective Blocking Preconditioning for Nonlinear Contact Problems on the Earth Simulator", ACM/IEEE Proceedings of SC2003, Phoenix, Arizona, 2003.[abstract][paper]
- K.Nakajima and H.Okuda, "Parallel Iterative Solvers for Unstructured Grids using an OpenMP/MPI Hybrid Programming Model for the GeoFEM Platform on SMP Cluster Architectures", Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2327.
- K.Nakajima, "Parallel Multilevel Iterative Linear Solvers with Unstructured Adaptive Grids for Simulations in Earth Science", Concurrency and Computation :Practice and Experience, pp.484-498, Vol.14, No.6-7, 2002.
- K.Nakajima and H.Okuda, "Parallel Iterative Solvers for Unstructured Grids using Directive/MPI Hybrid Programming Model for GeoFEM Platform on SMP Cluster Architectures", Concurrency and Computation :Practice and Experience. pp.411-429, Vol.14, No.6-7, 2002.
- L.Chen, I.Fujishiro and K.Nakajima, "Parallel Performance Optimization for Large-Scale Unstructured Data Visualization for the Earth Simulator", 4th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, Blaubeuren, Germany, 2002, p.133-140.
- K.Garatani, K.Nakajima, H.Okuda, G.Yagawa, "Three-dimensional elasto-static analysis of 100 million degrees of freedom", Jounal of Advances in Engineering Software 32 (7) (2001) pp. 511-518.
- J.Fingberg, K.Nakajima and C.Walshaw, "Load-Balancing for Mesh-based Applications on Heterogeneous Cluster Computers", 1st MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, 2001.
- K.Nakajima, J.Fingberg and H.Okuda. "Parallel 3D Adaptive Compressible Navier-Stokes Solver in GeoFEM with Dynamic Load-Balancing by DRAMA Library", Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2110, p.183-193, Springer, 2001.
- K.Nakajima and H.Okuda "Parallel Iterative Solvers with Localized ILU Preconditioning for Unstructured Grids on Workstation Cluster", International Journal for Computational Fluid Dynamics (IJCFD), Vol.12, pp.315-322, 1999.
- K.Nakajima and H.Okuda "Parallel Iterative Solvers with Localized ILU Preconditioning for Unstructured Grids", IMACS SERIES IN COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 5 : Iterative Methods in Scientific Computation IV, pp.85-98, 1999.
- K.Nakajima, H.Nakamura and T.Tanahashi "Parallel Iterative Solvers with Localized ILU Preconditioning", Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1225, pp.342-350, 1997.
- V.Parthasarathy, Y.Kallinderis and K.Nakajima. "A Navier-Stokes Method with Adaptive Hybrid Prismatic/Tetrahedral Grids", AIAA-95-0670, 1995.
- K.Nakajima and Y.Kallinderis. "Comparison of Finite Element and Finite Volume Methods for Incompressible Viscous Flows", AIAA Journal, Vol.32, No.8, pp.1090-1093.,1994.
- Y.Kallinderis and K.Nakajima. "Finite Element Method for Incompressible Viscous Flows with Adaptive Hybrid Grids", AIAA Journal, Vol.32, No.8, pp.1617-1625.,1994.
- K.Nakajima et. al. "A Numerical Study of the Hydrodynamics of Reversing Flows around a Cylinder", Transaction of the ASME Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Vol.116, pp.202-208, 1994.
GeoFEM Report
- K.Nakajima, "Preconditioned Iterative Linear Solvers for Unstructured Grids on the Earth Simulator", HPC-MW Technical Report 2004-001, 2004.[paper]
- K.Nakajima, "OpenMP/MPI Hybrid vs. Flat MPI on the Earth Simulator: Parallel Iterative Solvers for Finite Element Method ", GeoFEM 2003-007, RIST/Tokyo, 2003.[paper]
- K.Nakajima, "Three-Level Hybrid vs. Flat MPI on the Earth Simulator: Parallel Iterative Solvers for Finite-Element Method", GeoFEM 2003-006, RIST/Tokyo, 2003.[paper]
- K.Nakajima, "Parallel Iterative Solvers of GeoFEM with Selective Blocking Preconditioning for Nonlinear Contact Problems on the Earth Simulator", GeoFEM 2003-005, RIST/Tokyo, 2003.[paper]
- K.Nakajima, "Parallel Iterative Solvers for Finite-Element Methods using a Hybrid Programming Model on SMP Cluster Architectures", GeoFEM 2003-003, RIST/Tokyo, 2003.[paper]
- S.Ezure, H.Okuda and K.Nakajima, "Parallel Mesh Relocator : A Parallel Refining Software for Large-Scale Parallel FE Analysis ", GeoFEM 2002-012, RIST/Tokyo, 2002.[paper]
- L.Chen, I.Fujishiro and K.Nakajima, "Parallel Visualization of Large-Scale Unstructured Geoscientific Data for the Earth Simulator", GeoFEM 2002-010, RIST/Tokyo, 2002.[paper]
- K.Nakajima, "Iterative Solvers with Selective Blocking Preconditioning for Symmetric Multiprocessor Architecture", GeoFEM 2002-008, RIST/Tokyo, 2002.[paper]
- K.Nakajima, "Three-Level Hybrid vs. Flat MPI on the Earth Simulator: Parallel Iterative Solvers for Unstructured Grids on GeoFEM Platform", GeoFEM 2002-007, RIST/Tokyo, 2002.[paper]
- K.Nakajima, C.Hashimoto and M.Matsu'ura, "Simulation of Earthquake Generation Cycles at Transcurrent Plate Boundaries on the Earth Simulator", GeoFEM 2002-006, RIST/Tokyo, 2002.[paper]
- K.Nakajima and H.Okuda, "Parallel Iterative Solvers with Selective Blocking Pre-conditioning for Simulations of Fault-Zone Contact", GeoFEM 2002-003, RIST/Tokyo, 2002.[paper]
- K.Nakajima, "Parallel Iterative Solvers for Unstructured Grids using an OpenMP/MPI Hybrid Programming Model for the GeoFEM Platform on SMP Cluster Architectures", GeoFEM 2002-001, RIST/Tokyo, 2002.[paper]
- K.Nakajima and H.Okuda, "Parallel Iterative Solvers for Unstructured Grids using an OpenMP/MPI Hybrid Programming Model for the GeoFEM Platform on SMP Cluster Architectures", GeoFEM 2001-014, RIST/Tokyo, 2001.[paper]
- K.Nakajima and H.Okuda, "Parallel Iterative Solvers with the Selective Blocking Preconditioning for Simulations of Fault-Zone Contact", GeoFEM 2001-010, RIST/Tokyo, 2001.[paper]
- K.Nakajima, C.Hashimoto and M.Matsu'ura, "Parallel Performance of Tectonic Loading Process Model at Transcurrent Plate Boundaries", GeoFEM 2001-008, RIST/Tokyo, 2001.[paper]
- K.Nakajima, "Parallel Multilevel Iterative Linear Solvers with Unstructured Adaptive Grids for Simulations in Earth Science by GeoFEM", GeoFEM 2001-004, RIST/Tokyo, 2001.[paper]
- K.Nakajima and H.Okuda, "Parallel Iterative Solvers for Unstructured Grids using a Directive/MPI Hybrid Programming Model for the GeoFEM Platform on SMP Cluster Architectures", GeoFEM 2001-003, RIST/Tokyo, 2001.[paper]
- K.Nakajima, J.Fingberg and H.Okuda, "Parallel 3D Adaptive Compressible Navier-Stokes Solver in GeoFEM with Dynamic Load-Balancing by DRAMA Library", GeoFEM 2001-002, RIST/Tokyo, 2001.[paper]
Oral Presentations (English only)
- Nakajima, K., Large-Scale Coupling Simulations through MxN Parallel Data Redistribution, International Workshop for Large-Scale Coupled Simulations: Computation and Physics, Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
- Nakajima, K., Conforming parallel adaptive mesh refinement for hexahedral meshes in geophysics applications, OW91: Innovative Computational Strategies for Parallel/Grid Environments
, ICCM 2007 (International Conference on Computational Methods), Hiroshima
- Nakajima, K., Nagashima, T., Matsumoto, M., Ichimura, T., Furumura, T., and Okuda, H., Large-Scale Coupled Simulations for Seismic Response of Multiple Oil-Storage Tanks, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE07) (Costa Mesa, CA, 2007.02) (Poster)
- Nakajima, K., Parallel Iterative Solvers for Ill-Conditioned Problems with Reordering, SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing (CSC07) (Costa Mesa, CA, 2007.02) (Poster)
- Nakajima, K., The Impact of Parallel Programming Models on the Performance for GeoFEM Benchmarks based on Finite Element Applications in Geophysics, AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting 2006 (San Francisco, CA, USA, 2006.12).
- Nakajima, K., An Integrated Predictive Simulation System for Earthquake and Tsunami Disasters, NERSC Scientific Computing Seminar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, 2006.12.13.
- Nakajima, K., The GeoFEM Benchmarks for the Parallel Finite Element Method on NERSC Computers, NERSC Scientific Computing Seminar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, 2006.12.13.
- Nakajima, K., Parallel Preconditioning Methods for Contact Problems with FEM, International Workshop on Collaboration between Numerical Methods and Large-Scale Scientific Computation 2006 (iWNMSCf06) (Tokyo, Japan, 2006.10).
- Nakajima, K., Performance of Parallel FEM Applications on Various Architectures, First International Symposium for gIntegrated Predictive Simulation System for Earthquake and Tsunami Disasterh (Tokyo, Japan, 2006.10).
- Nakajima, K., The Impact of Parallel Programming Models on the Linear Algebra Performance for Finite Element Simulations, VECPAR 2006 (7th International Meeting High Performance Computing for Computational Science) (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2006.07).
- Nakajima, K., Scalability of GeoFEM on BG/L prototype, The 3rd BG/L Systems Software and Applications Workshop, CBRC/AIST, Tokyo, Japan, 2006.04.19.
- Nakajima, K. et al."Integrated Predictive Simulation System for Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster", SIAM 12th Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP06), San Francisco, CA.
- Nakajima, K. "Interface of Sparse Linear Solver Library Optimized for Various Types of Architectures", SIAM 12th Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP06), MS 46: Adaptive Tools and Frameworks for High Performance Numerical Computations - Part II of III, San Francisco, CA.
- Nakajima, K. "Parallel Multilevel Iterative Linear Solvers for Heterogeneous Field with Adaptive Mesh Refinement", SIAM 12th Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP06), MS 30: Scalable Preconditioning with Incomplete Factors and Sparse Approximate Inverses, San Francisco, CA.
- Nakajima, K. "The impact of parallel programming models on the performance of preconditioned iterative solvers for finite-element simulations", CSE Colloquia, Pennsylvania State University.
- Nakajima, K. "Parallel programming models for finite-element method using preconditioned iterative solvers with multicolor ordering on various types of SMP cluster", 8th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Grid in Asia Pacific Region (HPC Asia 2005), Beijing, China.
- Nakajima, K. "GeoFEM and beyond: Towards real multi-scale/multi-physics simulations", International Symposium: Predictability of the Evolution and Variation of the Multi-scale Earth System, University of Tokyo.
- Nakajima, K. "Earth Simulator and Parallel FEM" Fourth Supercomputing Seminar, Academinc Computing & Communications Center, University of Tsukuba, Japan.
- Nakajima, K. "Flat MPI and Hybrid Parallel Programming Models for FEM Applications on SMP Cluster Architectures" First International Workshop on OpenMP (IWOMP 2005)
- Nakajima, K. "Sparse Approximate Inverse Preconditioner for Contact Problems on the Earth Simulator using OpenMP", 2005 International Conference on Preconditioning Techniques for Large Sparse Matrix Problems in Industrial Applications (Preconditioning 2005), Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA.
- Nakajima, K. "Preconditioned Iterative Linear Solvers for Unstructured Grids on the Earth Simulator", Earth Simulator Center, Japan.
- Nakajima, K. "Performance Analysis of Flat MPI and Hybrid Parallel Programming Models for Finite-Element Applications on Various Types of SMP Cluster Architectures", SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE05), February 11-13, 2005, Orlando, FL.
- Nakajima, K. "Sparse Approximate Inverse Preconditioner for Contact Problems on the Earth Simulator
using OpenMP", International Workshop on OpenMP: Experiences and Implementations (WOMPEI 2005), Tsukuba, Japan.
- Nakajima, K. "Performance of large-scale finite-element applications in earth science on BlueGene/L prototype system using parallel iterative solvers of GeoFEM", HPCS2005, Tokyo, Japan.
- K.Nakajima "High-Performance Computing in Solid Earth Simulations: Benchmarks of FEM-type codes on
IBM BlueGege/L (512-node prototype)", NERSC Scientific Computing Seminar (December 2004), Berkeley, CA, USA.
- K.Nakajima, L.Chen & H.Okuda "HPC Infrastructure for Solid Earth Simulation on Parallel Computers", AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting 2004, NG01: Visualization, Analysis, and Distributed Computing in Nonlinear Geosciences, San Francisco, CA, USA.
- K.Nakajima "Performance analysis of flat MPI and hybrid parallel programming models for FEM applications with preconditioned iterative solvers on various types of SMP cluster architectures", International Workshops on Advances in Computational Mechanics (IWACOM), Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan.
- K.Nakajima "High-Performance Computing in Solid Earth Simulations", International Workshop on Geodynamics: Observation, Modeling and Computer Simulation, The University of Tokyo.
- K.Nakajima "Preconditioned Iterative Linear Solvers for Unstructured Grids on the Earth Simulator", HPC Asia 2004, 7th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Grid in Asia Pacific Region, Omiya Sonic City, Tokyo Area, Japan
- K.Nakajima, C.Hashimoto & M.Matsu'ura "Simulation of Earthquake Generation Cycles at Transcurrent Plate Boundaries on the Earth Simulator", 4th ACES Workshop, Beijing, China.
- K.Nakajima "Preconditioned Iterative Linear Solvers for Unstructured Grids on the Earth Simulator", 4th ACES Workshop, Beijing, China.
- K.Nakajima and H.Okuda "HPC Middleware (HPC-MW) Infrastructure for Scientific Applications on HPC Environments", SIAM 11th Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP04), MS 37: Portable Parallel Numerical Libraries for Various Types of Architectures, San Francisco, CA.
- K.Nakajima "Performance of Hybrid Parallel Programming Model for Applications with Unstructured Meshes on the Earth Simulator", SIAM 11th Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP04), MS6: Performance Modeling and Evaluation of Ultra-Scale Systems - Part I of II, San Francisco, CA.
- Nakajima, K. " Parallel Iterative Solvers of GeoFEM with Selective Blocking Preconditioning for Nonlinear Contact Problems on the Earth Simulator", SC2003 Technical Session, Phoenix, Arizona, 2003.[abstract][paper]
- Nakajima, K. "Performance Evaluation of IBM-SP3 for FEM Benchmarks", NERSC Scientific Computing Seminar (October 2003), Berkeley, CA, USA.
- Nakajima, K. "OpenMP/MPI Hybrid vs. Flat MPI on the Earth Simulator: Parallel Iterative Solvers for Finite Element Method", International Workshop on OpenMP: Experiences and Implementations (WOMPEI 2003), Tokyo, Japan.
- Nakajima, K. and Okuda, H. "HPC Middleware (HPC-MW): Infrastructure for Scientific Applications on HPC Environments - Overview and Recent Progress ", 3rd ACES Working Group Meeting, Brisbane, Australia, 2003.
- Nakajima, K. "Parallel Iterative Solves for Solid Earth Simulation on the Earth Simulator" Sixth IMACS International Symposium on Iterative Methods in Scientific Computing, Denver, ColoradoD
- Nakajima, K. "Solid Earth Simulation Using GeoFEM Platform on the Earth Simulator", SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE03), February 10-13, 2003, San Diego, CA.
- Nakajima, K. "Solid Earth Simulation Using GeoFEM Platform on the Earth Simulator ", NERSC Scientific Computing Seminar (Feb. 2003), Berkeley, CA, USA.
- Nakajima, K. "HPC Middleware-Infrastructure for Development of Scientific Applications on Various Types of HPC Environments - First Step for ACES/GRID", 3rd ACES Workshop, Maui, Hawaii, USA.
- Nakajima, K. "Large-Scale Simulation of Tectonic Loading Process at Transcurrent Plate Boundaries (Computational Aspects)", 3rd ACES Workshop, Maui, Hawaii, USA.
- Nakajima, K. "Parallel Iterative Solvers with the Selective Blocking Preconditioning for Simulations of Fault-Zone Contact", 3rd ACES Workshop, Maui, Hawaii, USA.
- Nakajima, K. " Parallel Iterative Solvers for Unstructured Grids using an OpenMP/MPI Hybrid Programming Model for the GeoFEM Platform on SMP Cluster Architectures", 7th Copper Mountain Conference for Iterative Methods (CMCIM-2002), Copper Mountain, Colorado, USA.
- Nakajima, K. "Parallel Multilevel Iterative Linear Solvers with Unstructured Adaptive Grids for Simulations in Earth Science", SSS2001 (Workshop on Scalable Solver Software: Multiscale Coupling and Computational Earth Science), Tokyo.
- Nakajima, K. "Parallel Mesh Generation in GeoFEM", GEM/ACES Workshop: Tutorial on Computational Technologies for Earthquake Science, MHPCC (Maui High Performance Computing Center), Kihei, Maui, Hawaii, USA.
- Nakajima, K. "Robust Preconditioners for Ill-Conditioned Problems in Geophysical Applications", GEM/ACES Workshop: Tutorial on Computational Technologies for Earthquake Science, MHPCC (Maui High Performance Computing Center), Kihei, Maui, Hawaii, USA.
- Nakajima, K. "Parallel 3D Adaptive Compressible Navier-Stokes Solver in GeoFEM with Dynamic Load-Balancing by DRAMA Library", GEM/ACES Workshop: Tutorial on Computational Technologies for Earthquake Science, MHPCC (Maui High Performance Computing Center), Kihei, Maui, Hawaii, USA.
- Nakajima, K. "Parallel Iterative Solvers for Unstructured Grids on SMP Cluster Architectures Brief Introduction for Developing Codes on the Earth Simulator", GEM/ACES Workshop: Tutorial on Computational Technologies for Earthquake Science, MHPCC (Maui High Performance Computing Center), Kihei, Maui, Hawaii, USA.
- Nakajima, K. "Parallel Implementation in GeoFEM", GEM/ACES Workshop: Tutorial on Computational Technologies for Earthquake Science, MHPCC (Maui High Performance Computing Center), Kihei, Maui, Hawaii, USA.
- Nakajima, K. "FEM in Solid Earth Simulations", GEM/ACES Workshop: Tutorial on Computational Technologies for Earthquake Science, MHPCC (Maui High Performance Computing Center), Kihei, Maui, Hawaii, USA.
- Nakajima, K., Fingberg, J. and Okuda, H. "Parallel 3D Adaptive Compressible Navier-Stokes Solver in GeoFEM with Dynamic Load-Balancing by DRAMA Library", HPCN Europe 2001, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Nakajima, K. "Parallel Iterative Solvers for Simulations of Fault Zone Contact using Selective Blocking Reordering ", 2001 International Conference on Preconditioning Techniques for Large Sparse Matrix Problems in Industrial Applications (Preconditioning 2001), Tahoe City, CA, USA.
- Nakajima, K. "Parallel Performance of the Tectonic Loading Process Model at Transcurrent Plate Boundaries", Proceedings of Second ACES Workshop, 295-299.
- Nakajima, K. "Parallel Multilevel Iterative Linear Solvers for Large-Scale Computations", ACES 2nd Workshop Proceedings of Second ACES Workshop, 525-529.
- Nakajima, K. " Parallel Multilevel Iterative Linear Solvers for Large-Scale Computation", University of Tokyo-University of Cambridge Joint Workshop on HPC, Tokyo.
- Nakajima, K. "Parallel Multilevel Iterative Solvers for 3D Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equationsh, FEF2000 (Finite Elements in Flow Problems 2000).
- Yagawa, G., Okuda, H., Nakamura, Iizuka, M., H., Garatani, K. and Nakajima, "Parallel finite elment platform for Solid Earth (GeoFEM)h, AGU (American Geophysics Union), 1999 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
- Nakajima, K. "Parallel Multilevel Iterative Solvers for Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equationsh, Proceedings of RIKEN Symposium: Linear Algebra and its Applications, 63-69.
- izuka, M., Yagawa, G., Okuda, H., Nakamura, H., Garatani, K. and Nakajima, K. "GeoFEM: High-Performance Parallel FEM for Geophysical Applications", International Symposium on High Performance Computing (ISHPC99).
- Nakajima, K. "Convergence Acceleration Method of Large-Scale Parallel Iterative Solvers for Heterogeneous Properties", Proceedings of ACES 1st Inaugural Workshop, Noosa, Australia.
- Nakajima, K., Nakamura, H. and Okuda, H. "Highly Stable Localized ILU Preconditioning for Unstructured Grids", HPCN Europe 98, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Nakajima, K. and Okuda, H. "Parallel Iterative Solvers with Localized ILU Preconditioning for Unstructured Grids on Workstation Cluster", Fourth Japan-US Symposium on Finite Element Methods in Large-Scale Computational Fluid Dynamics, Chiba, Japan.
- Nakajima, K., Nakamura, H. and Tanahashi, T. "Parallel Iterative Solvers with Localized ILU Preconditioning", Parallel CFD97, Manchester, UK.
- Nakajima, K., Saitoh, H., Yasuda, H., Mezaki, R., Nagashima, T. and Maruyama, M. "SIMPOREA : Simulator for Polymerizatrion Reactor, PPS-11 conference, Seoul, Korea.
Invited Talks
- Nakajima, K. (2006), An Integrated Predictive Simulation System for Earthquake and Tsunami Disasters, NERSC Scientific Computing Seminar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, 2006.12.13.
- Nakajima, K. (2006), The GeoFEM Benchmarks for the Parallel Finite Element Method on NERSC Computers, NERSC Scientific Computing Seminar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, 2006.12.13.
- Nakajima, K. (2006), Performance Evaluation of Parallel FEM on Opteron-based ClustersC45th Workshop of SMPP (Society for Massively Parallel Processing), Tokyo, Japan, 2006.09.29D
- Nakajima, K. (2006), The Impact of Parallel Programming Models on the Linear Algebra Performance for Finite Element Simulations, Forum on Advanced Scientific Computing 2006 (Fukuoka, Japan, 2006.08).
- Nakajima, K. (2006), Scalability of GeoFEM on BG/L prototype, The 3rd BG/L Systems Software and Applications Workshop, CBRC/AIST, Tokyo, Japan, 2006.04.19.
- Nakajima, K. (2006) "The impact of parallel programming models on the performance of preconditioned iterative solvers for finite-element simulations", CSE Colloquia, Pennsylvania State University.
- Nakajima, K. (2005) "Earth Simulator and Parallel FEM" Fourth Supercomputing Seminar, Academinc Computing & Communications Center, University of Tsukuba, Japan.
- Nakajima, K. (2005) "Flat MPI and Hybrid Parallel Programming Models for FEM Applications on SMP Cluster Architectures" First International Workshop on OpenMP (IWOMP 2005)
- K.Nakajima, L.Chen & H.Okuda (2004j"HPC Infrastructure for Solid Earth Simulation on Parallel Computers", AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting 2004, NG01: Visualization, Analysis, and Distributed Computing in Nonlinear Geosciences, San Francisco, CA, USA.
- Nakajima, K. (2004). "Benchmarks of FEM-type codes on IBM BlueGege/L (512-node prototype)", BlueGene/L Seminar, IBM-Hakozaki, Japan.
- Nakajima, K. (2003). "GeoFEM and Solid Earth Simulation", MRCCS/NSF Summer School, High Performance Computing in Finite Element Analysis, University of Manchester, UK.
- Nakajima, K. and Okuda, H. (2003). "HPC Middleware (HPC-MW): Infrastructure for Scientific Applications on HPC Environments - Overview and Recent Progress ", 4th Workshop on ACTS Collection, Berkeley, California, USA.
- Carter, J., Drummond, L.A., Marques, O., Nakajima, K. and Okuda, H. (2006) An Introduction to Robust and High Performance Software Libraries for Solving Common Problems in Computational Sciences, Tutorial Session of VECPAR 2006 (7th International Meeting High Performance Computing for Computational Science) (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2006.07).
- Nakajima, K. (2005), "Preconditioned Iterative Linear Solvers for Unstructured Grids on the Earth Simulator", Earth Simulator Center, Japan.
- 2nd FEM/ITBL Seminat (2004), JAERI Kansai, Kyoto, Japan.
- MRCCS/NSF Summer School: High Performance Computing in Finite Element Analysis, September, 2003, University of Manchester, UK.
- 4th GeoFEM Seminar (2002), Tokyo, JAPAN.
- GEM/ACES Workshop: Tutorial on Computational Technologies for Earthquake Science, MHPCC (Maui High Performance Computing Center), Kihei, Maui, Hawaii, USA, 2001.
- FEM in Solid Earth Simulations
- Parallel Implementation in GeoFEM
- Parallel Iterative Solvers for Unstructured Grids on SMP Cluster Architectures Brief Introduction for Developing Codes on the Earth Simulator
- Parallel 3D Adaptive Compressible Navier-Stokes Solver in GeoFEM with Dynamic Load-Balancing by DRAMA Library
- Robust Preconditioners for Ill-Conditioned Problems in Geophysical Applications
- Parallel Mesh Generation in GeoFEM
- 3rd GeoFEM Seminar (2001), Tokyo, JAPAN.
- 1st GeoFEM Seminar (1999), Tokyo, JAPAN.
- Ph.D. (Engineering), University of Tokyo (Quantum Science and Systems Engineering), 2003.
- Supervisor: Professor Genki Yagawa
- Thesis Title: Parallel Iterative Linear Solvers with Preconditioning for Large Scale Problems
- Master of Science in Engineering, University of Texas at Austin (Aerospace Engineering), 1993.
- Supervisor: Professor John Kallinderis
- Thesis Title: Incompressible Navier-Stokes Methods with Hybrid Adaptive Grids
- Bachelor of Engineering, University of Tokyo (Aeronautics), 1985.
- Supervisor: Professor Kyohei Kondoh
- Thesis Title: Active Flutter Suppression Method for a Cantilevered CFRP Wing
- University of Tsukuba High School at Komaba, 1981.
Professional Appointments
- The University of Tokyo (2004-)
- RIST (1999-2004)
- Texas Institute for Computational Mechanics (TICOM) (1993)
- Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. (1985-1993, 1994-1999)
- American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Computer Society
- The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (JSIAM)
- The Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science (JSCES)
- Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)
- Seismological Society of Japan
- BEST Paper Award, HPCN Europe 2001 (High-Performance Computing and Networking), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June, 2001.
- Selected BEST Papers, ICCS 2003 (International Conference on Computational Science), 2003
Professional Activities
- Member of Editorial Board, Bulletin of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (JSIAM)(2007-)
- Member of Editorial Board, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC) (2007-)
- Member of Guest Editorial Board, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC), Special Issue on Computational Science & Engineering, (2007)
- Member of Editorial Board, Journal of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (JSIAM)(2002-2004)
- Member of Editorial Board, The Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science (JSCES) (1995-1997)
- Member of Organizing Committee, SIAM 13th Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP08), February 2008.
- Member of Program Committee, The 14th International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), India, December 2007.
- Member of Local Organizing Committee, The 3rd Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOMf07), Kyoto, Japan, December 2007.
- Member of International Program Committee, The 19th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS 2007), Cambridge, MA, USA, November 2007.
- Member of Program Committee, Parallel Computing 2007 (ParCo 2007), Julich/Aachen, Germany, September 2007.
- Member of Program Committee, The 2nd International Workshop on Workflow Management and Application in Grid Environments (WAGE07), Urumchi, Xinjiang, China, August 2007.
- Member of Program Committee, International Workshop on Advances in Computational Geomechanics and Geophysics (IACCG 2007) (in conjunction with International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS2007)) , Beijing, China, May 2007.
- Member of Organizing Committee, The 12th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science, Tokyo, Japan, May 2007.
- Member of Organizing Committee, International Conference on Computational Methods 2007 (ICCM 2007), Hiroshima, Japan, April 2007.
- Member of Program Committee, The Fifteenth International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS07), Long Beach, CA, March, 2007.
- Member of Program Committee, Symposium on HPC and Computational Science 2007 (HPCS 2007), Tsukuba, Japan, January, 2007.
- Co-Chair of Organizing Committee, International Workshop on Collaboration between Numerical Methods and Large-Scale Scientific Computation 2006 (iWNMSCf06), Tokyo, Japan, October 2006.
- Member of Organizing Committee, First International Symposium for gIntegrated Predictive Simulation System for Earthquake and Tsunami Disasterh, Tokyo, Japan, October 2006.
- Co-organizer of Mini-Symposium, SIAM 12th Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP06), Feburuary, 2006, San Francisco, CA., Adaptive Tools and Frameworks for High Performance Numerical Computations
- Member of Program Committee, Symposium on HPC and Computational Science 2006 (HPCS 2006), January, 2006, Tokyo, Japan.
- Member of International Program Committee
November, 2005, Phoenix, AZ, USA
- Member of Program Committee, Symposium on HPC and Computational Science 2005 (HPCS 2005), January, 2005, Tokyo, Japan.
- Member of International Scientific Committee
International Conference on Computationan & Information Sciences (CIS'04), December, 2004, Shanghai, China
- Member of Program Committee, The Fifteenth International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS04), April, 2004, Santa Fe, NM.
- Co-organizer of Mini-Symposium, SIAM 11th Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP04), Feburuary, 2004, San Francisco, CA., MS37: Portable Parallel Numerical Libraries for Various Types of Architectures
- Member of Organizing Committee, SIAM 11th Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP04), Feburuary, 2004, San Francisco, CA.
- Session Organizer, Anual Meeting of JSCES (Japan Society of Computational Engineering & Science) (2002-2005)
- Member of Local Organizing Committee, SSS2001 (Scalable Solver Software) Workshop, December, 2001, Tokyo, Japan
- Secretary General, Local Organizing Committee, Second ACES (APEC Cooperation for Earthquake Simulation) Workshop, October, 2000, Japan
- Earth Simulator Center, Japan.[link]
- University of Tokyo, Japan.[link]
- C&C Research Laboratories, NEC Europe, Ltd.[link]
- Laboratory for High Performance Scientific Computing and Computer Simulation (HiPSCCS), University of Kentucky[link]
- NERSC/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA.[link]
- DOE ACTS (Advanced CompuTational Software) Collection[link]