- Files and schedule are updated (2024-08-19)
- If you are familar with SSH-login, you can login to the Wisteria/BDEC-01(Odyssey) following the instruction of Guide for login to Odyssey [PDF](2024-08-19)
- We will use Google Colaboratory in September 10 (Tue) session. Please create your google account, if you do not have it !! (2024-08-19)
- Please read Introduction-to-Online-Class [PDF] and Overview of the Course [PDF] carefully,
and complete preparations for class BEFORE September 2 (2024-08-19)
- Please read Introduction-to-FEM [PDF] if you have time (2024-08-19)
- Please make sure that:
- The OS of your PC is the most updated version
- Proper anti-virus software with the most updated version is installed to your PC
- Experiences in Unix/Linux, and Editors (e.g. vi, emacs, nano etc.)
- Experiences in programming by Fortran or C/C++
- Undergraduate-Level Mathematics and Physics (e.g. Linear Algebra, calculus)
- Fundamental numerical algorithms (Gaussian Elimination, LU Factorization, Jacobi/Gauss-Seidel/SOR Iterative Solvers, Conjugate Gradient Method (CG))
- Experiences in SSH Public Key Authentication Method (optional)
- Participants are encouraged to read the following material,
and to understand fundamental issues of the MWR (Method of Weighted Residual) before this course.